Friday 27 August 2021


Kobold, Peace Cleric
Street Urchin

Although not his real name, Zip was nicknamed as such, because he had to be fast from a very young age. Growing up on the streets of Galethspyre he had a choice: get beaten up by the other orphans and street kids or run away. Considering that he wasn’t the biggest of the bunch, the choice wasn’t that hard. One day, there was a man in big robes, handing out little bundles of papers to everybody that wanted one. Zip, being ever curious (and hoping it would be valuable so he could eat something that night), went over and picked up one of the bundles that some of the other people had dropped. 

The papers had all these symbols and drawings of people folding their hands together while reaching for the sky towards a strange sun symbol. On the next page, the people were laughing and being happy. Zip quickly put one & one together and figured that if he also folded his hands towards the sun, he would become happy as well! After long days and weeks of trying and asking the sun to make him happy and make sure he wouldn’t be hungry ever again, Zip started to feel more confident. He was also suddenly able to do little tricks. He could make his voice boom to scare away bullies, he could make a sound down an alley way where he wasn’t himself, to lure away the guards after he’d stolen a loaf of bread. If he scraped his knees when running over the rooftops, he could focus real hard, put his hand on his knee & the scrapes would be gone. 

Every day Zip thanked the sun for making him able to do these things until eventually he figured he could help other kids with his newfound powers as well. Stealing together things to scrap together an armor (like the ones he had seen travelling warpriests wear) & a spear (just a very sharp stick really), he set out into the world to find beggar kids and make sure the smallest of them were safe and they could find a way to feed themselves.

Death (session 49 - TPK): Killed together with all his party members during the final battle against Mordain the Fleshweaver in the tower of Blackroot. 

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