Thursday 5 August 2021

Session 22

PCs (lvl 9): Aegis, Elroy, Mor, Telkhad, Vica, Zullrik

The PCs decide that they had enough of all the intrigue going on in Sharn, of House Cannith, and the Swords of Liberty. They spend the next few days in Wroat trying to earn some money by selling magical items, performing in local taverns, and gambling.

The money is needed to fund their trip to the Shadow Marches. Mor is still worried about her country, and the PCs have agreed to travel with her back home to solve the "undead issue" that pushed her to become an adventurer in the first place.

Together with the is Agrokk, an elderly orc and a former Gatekeeper. He seems to know more about the evil that hides in the Shadow Marches, and he's willing to travel with the party to investigate the matter.

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