Sunday 1 August 2021

Session 21

PCs (lvl 9): Aegis, Elroy, Mor, Telkhad, Vica, Zullrik

With his newly acquired powers, Elroy teleports Calyspo and her crew back to Sharn. Telkhad decides to go with them, while the rest of the party plans to follow a different lead in Wroat. In Sharn, Telkhad reports to Antonia, who will use the information received to investigate the connection between House Cannith and House Kundarak. Telkhad then books a lightning rail ticket to Wroat. As chance would have it, he and the party will arrive in Wroat at the same time.

In Wroat, the PCs take some time to follow up on a few personal projects:

  • Elroy contacts House Orien to offer his services as a teleporter, in exchange for the knowledge of several teleportation circles' sigils.
  • Zullrik makes contact with a fellow member of the Shaarat'khesh.
  • Vica and Mor go shopping for gems and magic items, and then have a chance enocunter with Agrokk, a orc druid, and former Gatekeeper. From the druid they learn about the Daelkyr's influence on the Shadow Marches.
  • Telkhad manages to attract the attention of the Swords of Liberty and to arrange for a meeting with them. 

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