Monday 19 July 2021

Session 19

PCs (lvl 8): Aegis, Elroy, Mor, Telkhad, Vica, Zullrik 

A few hours go by, when Antonia d'Medani returns with Trent ir'Bluthor, a captain of the King's Citadel. Trent takes charge of the prisoners, and offers protection to the PCs. The party does not appreciate the terms of his offer, and they decline.

With Trent gone, Antonia brings the PCs to a safehouse in the Cogs, where they should be safe from unwanted scrying. Once they're settled, she leaves to find out more about the plot between the Swords of Liberty and House Cannith.

While they wait for her, Mor and Vica go to visit a House of Healing, hoping to find out more about the curse afflicting Mor's home back in the Shadow Marches, while Elroy tries to move the drugs stolen from the Boromar a few days back.

The day after Antonia return with some important news; she found the Portent King airship docked at Cliffside, and ready to leave within the day. She has seen big cargo crates being loaded on the ship, and a high level of security. Also, Sterryk ir'Tyran, Merrix's mentor, is supervising the operations. She's sure this is vessel that will transport the secret weapons.

The PCs hurry to the docks, and sneak on board to investigate the cargo. Unfotunately Aegis is discovered by the crew, and a fight ensues. The party is divided among the multiple decks of the airship, and the crew is composed by veterans and mages. When Vica accidentally triggers the airship's defense system, four air elementals appear to support the crew. The party rapidly succumbs to the opposition, and they're forced to surrender.

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