Friday 16 July 2021

Session 18

PCs (lvl 8): Aegis, Mor, Telkhad, Vica, Zullrik 

The PCs interrogate their prisoners; from them they learn a few important pieces of information:

  • House Cannith has built new, experimental weapons for the Swords of Liberty
  • payment has already been received, very soon House Cannith will deliver the goods
  • the weapons are produced in Sharn, and due to their quantity, will require either a wagon or a skyship to transport
  • the delivery will happens soo, probably only a matter of days

Having learned what they could from the prisoners, the party decide to deliver them to their contact in House Medani. They move the prisoners to their apartment, with the lingering feeling of being observed. 

Antonia d'Medani meets them there, and listens to their story; she takes it upon herself to discover where the goods are stored, and when they're leaving Sharn. She also suggests to contact the Citadel (Breland's elite law enforcement) to take charge of the prisoners.

When she leaves to take care of bussiness, the PCs barricade themselves in their apartment awaiting her return. Not long after, Lobana Petrevna visits a tavern next to the PCs' home. Vica goes to meet her, and she realises that something is off with Lobana. Most probably she has a sent a changeling with her appearance to negotiate.

Fake-Lobana offers a deal to the PCs: if they return the prisoners to her, and if they swear to stop interfering with her plans, she will forget their involvement with the whole matter, and the Swords of Liberty will not hunt them down. After the visit, the party discusses what to do next.

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