Thursday 22 April 2021

Session 15

PCs (lvl 8): Aegis, Elroy, Mor, Telkhad, Vica, Zullrik 

Following their latest setback, the party decides to get ready for whatever may be coming next. Elroy and Vica experiment with the absentia drug, finding out a few interesting bits about the substance. In the process, Vica becomes addicted to the drug.

Zullrik and Mor keep an eye on Lobana's residence, and they discover that something is afoot, as preparations are ongoing in the villa.

Telkhad and Aegis are contacted by Antonia d'Medani, a dragonmarked member of the House of Detection. She's been following the Silver Flame's actions in Sharn for some time, and she has heard that a small delegation of priests is about to visit from Thrane. Weirdely enough, they won't be visiting the Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame, but they'll be staying at the Anvil, an inn in Lower Dura. 

The PCs believe these priests may be the envoys of the Swords of Liberty, come to Sharn to finalise their deal with House Cannith. The party begins to stake the inn, where they notice a few members of the Boromar clan keeping an eye on them. 

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