Thursday 22 April 2021

Antonia d' Medani

Antonia d’Medani is a dragonmarked heir of House Medani and a spy. She is a clever-eyed half-elf in her midtwenties. Her sardonic demeanor belies an earnest desire to root out corruption—on her own terms. She frequently offers pro bono legal services to Sharn’s poorer residents, but all too often finds herself wrapped up in larger schemes. 

She keeps her dark hair cropped in a curled bob and wears deep red lipstick in an attempt to appear more mature, but it does little to mask her youthful face. Antonia is keen and witty, and, despite her affinity for doing the right thing, enjoys games of chance when the opportunity arises. She’s earned the respect of the Callestan Clash, a ragtag gang who run a back-alley gambling and street fighting ring

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