Thursday 1 April 2021

Session 12

PCs (lvl 7): Aegis, Elroy, Mor, Vica, Zullrik 

The PCs investigate the whereabouts of the Silvermist Theater and his owner, a gnome illusionist going by the name of Salleon. They discover that the theater is a dream parlor, but also secretly a dreamlily den run by the Boromar clan. It looks like Salleon is looking for a way out of his deal with the Boromar, but he's too deep in debt with them. 

The party goes to the theater. While Aegis and Zullrik sneak in from the back, the others pretend to be clients and assist to Salleon's illusionist show. The party discover a secret warehouse where the Boromar are stocking the dreamlily, and also another mysterious substance called absentia

When the PCs come clean with Salleon and tell him the reason they wanted to meet him, an agreement of sorts is reached. Salleon wants the Boromar out of his theater, and in exchange he will help the party find out who tried to assassinate them. He knows how to use absentia to induce a clairvoyant dream into the user: in this way, he hopes the PCs will "dream" of the one who wants them dead.

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