Thursday 11 March 2021

Session 9

PCs (lvl 6): Aegis, Elroy, Mor, Telkhad, Vica, Zullrik 

The party is contacted by Ty'nald d'Phiarlan, an elven information broker. They meet him at the Starfire Dragon Theatre, where he has a proposition for them. He knows that they've been involved with the fight between House Cannith and the Boromar Clan, and he knows that a prominent member of Boromar is hiding in the district of High Hold. The halfling goes by the name of Fridden, and he's rumored to have a lot of information about what is really going on with House Cannith and their little conspiracy. He asks the PCs to deliver Fridden to him, and he promises to share anything he learns with them.

When the party leaves the Starfire Dragon, they're approached by Cyril d'Orien, a good friend of the Orien courier that was murdered by Clan Boromar a few weeks back. He knows the PCs are also involved, and he asks them to be the tool of his revenge, by bringing him the head of a prominent Boromar member... Fridden, of course! The party asks to get some time to decide, and leave the man to his anger.

The day after the PCs go to scout the location fo the Boromar outpost in High Hold. The place is heavily guarded by dwarven mercenaries and a couple of snipers hidden in nearby buildings. The party also notices a few Orien agents keeping an eye on the adjacent streets.

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