Thursday 18 March 2021

Session 10

PCs (lvl 6): Aegis, Elroy, Mor, Telkhad, Vica, Zullrik 

The party overwhelms the snipers, and then they infiltrate Fridden's lair through a windom on the first floor. Fridden is caught by surprise, and rapidly subdued. When his men try to save him, the PCs use their magic to create several distractions and slow the opposition. Their plan works perfectly, and they manage to abscond with Fridden safely stowed inside their bag of holding.

The PCs bring Fridden to an abandoned warehouse in the lower levels of the city. They use a spell to make him more friendly, and then interrogate him. From him they get confirmation that House Cannith South, led by Merrix d'Cannith, is allied with the terrorists of the Swords of Liberty. They also learn that House Cannith West, led by Jorlanna d'Cannith, is aware of the deal, and has hired the Boromar clan to steal a coded message between the two parties.

This is not much more than what the party already knew. Believing they have no further use of Fridden, they deliver him to Ty'nald d'Phiarlan as agreed. By doing so, they earn the emnity of House Orien, who had requested Fridden's head as retaliation for the murder of their courier.

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