Friday 20 May 2022

Session 43

PCs (lvl 14): Lynch, Mor, Telkhad, Zip, Zullrik

The PCs sail on the river of blood, eventually reaching the village of Dolurrh's Dawn. The village is inhabited by the clones of several historical figures from Khorvaire's past, like King Galifar and Lhazaar. The clones are unaware of what goes on in the outside world, and are clueless about their very own nature.

The party figures out that the clones are some sort of pet project from Mordain, and pity them for it. While the PCs interact with the clones, they realize that several of them are actually sulfurous impersonations created by an intelligent ooze called an oblex. The PCs destroy the oblexes, and decide to rest for the night.

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