Tuesday 10 August 2021

Session 23

PCs (lvl 9): Aegis, Elroy, Mor, Telkhad, Vica, Zullrik

The party is ready to leave Wroat, when they're approached by a young woman who calls herself Fernia. She seems to know who they are, and she asks them a single question: "Where is Evangeline?" The situation rapidly degenerates in a fight, but the young woman is not as vulnerable as she seems.

Summoning the power of her Aberrant Dragonmark, she changes into a flame-riddled form, and blasts the party with her fire powers. Two heavy infantry and two assassins from the Swords of Liberty support her in the fight.

The PCs manage to defeat the opposition, and to kill the young woman. One surviving member of the assault party informs them that killing the woman was a grave mistake, since her sister will certainly seek revenge.

The  party deliver their prisoner to the Citadel, and are rewarded with free passage for the ferry leaving Wroat and bound to Galethspyre.

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