Friday 30 July 2021

Session 20

PCs (lvl 8): Aegis, Elroy, Mor, Telkhad, Vica, Zullrik 

The PCs are tied up and thrown into the brig. When they're left alone, they rapidly untie themselves, and prepare a plan to escape. Vica wildshapes into a spider, and leaves the room to explore the ship. She enters one of the big crates stored in the cargo hold, and she realizes the boxes contain horse-sized mechanical dragons.

In the meanwhile, the party escape from the brig, but suddenly disaster strikes. The airship begins to plummet, as a unit of winged warforged attacks! These are minions of the Lord of Blades, the infamous warforged leader, here to "liberate" their construct brothers from the tyranny of the "breathers".

The party helps the crew fight off the warforged, but the damage to the ship is impossible to repair. As the airship plummets to the ground, and rapidly comes apart, the PCs manage to save theselves from disaster by using cunning and magic (and a good portion of luck). 

The PCs and the crew gather up on the ground, and return to the wreck, looking for clues and supplies. All the cargo has been destroyed, save for one mechanical dragon that has been spotted flying away. Those with experience in magic realize that the only way to produce so many advanced contrcuts is to use a Creation Forge, an eldritch machine formerly owned by House Cannith, but declared illegal and banned with the end of the Last War. Further investigation reveals some of the crates marked with an arcane seal related to a Kundarak bank safety box. 

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