Thursday 6 May 2021

Session 17

PCs (lvl 8): Aegis, Elroy, Mor, Telkhad, Vica, Zullrik 

The party keeps an eye on the envoys, with Vica wildshaping into a spider to spy them without being noticed. She finds out that the envoys are in fact undercover members of the Swords of Liberty. They plan to meet with Merrix d'Cannith soon, in a secret location accessible only from the Anvil.

But the PCs have some competition: a band of Boromar agents seems to be looking for the same information, and they're also stalking the envoys. The two groups compete to witness to the secret meeting without being spotted, but their efforts escalate into a fight, first against the Boromar, and then against the Swords of Liberty.

Merrix escapes the meeting, and all the Boromar are dead. The party manages to capture two of the terrorists, hoping to interrogate them and find out more about their deals with House Cannith.

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