Thursday 4 March 2021

Session 8

PCs (lvl 6): Aegis, Elroy, Mor, Telkhad, Vica, Zullrik 

 The party meets Alicia Lunda, the gnome spy that has infiltrated the Cannith compound. Alicia is surprised to see the PCs, especially when they tell her they're here to "save" her. Clearly, she has no idea what they're talking about, nor has she ever sent a message to the outside to be "extracted". Be that as it may, since the building is on fire, she welcomes the opportunity to leave. Before they abandon the lab for good, Aegis rigs some explosives and has the whole building collapse when they're safely inside the sewers. 

 When they leave the sewers, they're ambushed by Ingrid Boromar and her goons. It seesm that the halfling bard is the mastermind behind the message that brought the party to the Cannith lab. She hoped to recover the stolen letter, kill the party, and kidnap Alicia all in one sweep. Unfortunately for her, the party is not easily defeated, and they kill their assailants, including Ingrid, before leaving the streets of Sharn. 

 The PCs bring Alicia to their hideout, where the gnome deciphers the letter they retrieved from the Boromar safe. The letter seems to implicate House Cannith South and the Swords of Liberty (a group of freedom fighters from Thrane) in a bussiness arrangement opposed by another branch of House Cannith supported by the Boromar clan. 

The group takes some time to ponder on their next move, and ultimately decide to deliver the letter to Lobana as agreed. When she receives the letter, Lobana immediately destroys it, making clear to the PCs that their "engagement" is thus concluded, and she does not wish to hear from them again. The PCs leave the villa, but have no intention of letting the whole matter go.

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