Thursday 18 February 2021

Session 6

PCs (lvl 6): Aegis, Elroy, Mor, Telkhad, Vica, Zullrik

The PCs have aquired the letter, but the document is written in a magical code that they're not able to crack. While they consider their option, they receive a mysterious message from a gnome going by the name of Alicia Lund.

She asks the PCs to extract ther from a Cannith compound she has infiltrated in Lower Dura, as she fears her cover is about to fail. In exchange, she offers to translate the encrypted message for them. It isn't clear how this gonme can possibly know about the letter, but the party decide to check it out.

They scout the heavily guarded Cannith compound, and infiltrate it through the sewers. Once inside, they find several Cannith magewright performing illegal experiments on warforged corpses.

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