Thursday 28 January 2021

Session 3

PCs (lvl 5): Aegis, Elroy, Mor, Telkhad, Vica, Zullrik

The party follows up on a lead bringing them to Sharpest' Steel, a weaponsmith shop in the Bazaar. There they speak with Lonth Sharpest, an half-orc veteran. Lonth admits to have sold the weapon to a shifter with a toothy grin. Vica manages to get a peek at Lonth's ledger, and finds out the name of the shifter is Yeq the Grin.

The PCs bring this name to Blue Aust, and information broker in the district of Fallen. Aust has a bone to pick with Yeq, and reveals to the party where they can find him. The party breaks and enters into Yeq's lair, but they find it empty. They also find the half-burned remains of a train ticket. Looks like Yeq is getting out of town, and the train leaves in less than an hour!

The party rushes to Terminus station, where they find Yeq and his Iron Cobra pet. The shifter tries to escape, but the PCs manage to capture him without endangering local bystanders. Not long after, the City Watch shows up to take Yeq into custody.

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