Thursday 21 January 2021

Session 2

PCs (lvl 5): Aegis, Elroy, Mor, Telkhad, Vica, Zullrik

The party interrogate the thugs, learning that they were following the orders of Big Mondo, a local Boromar boss. They were told to silence anyone asking questions about Tars Graccen (the murdered Orien courier), but they do not know why. The PCs delivers the halfling criminals to the local City Watch station, then they retire for the night. 

The day after they go to visit Big Mondo. The halfling clearly knows more that he says, but the PCs do not manage to get any useful information from him. Before they leave, Mondo "suggesst" they drop the whole thing, and leave Sharn before trouble comes looking for them. The party ignores this advise.

While they walk on the streets of Sharn, on their way to Tars' apartment, the PCs are assaulted by a band of tribal halfling,s led by Yelfis, a psioncally-empowered halfling chief. The PCs rapidly take care of the war-party, leaving the usual mess behind. Watchman Kavill tells them he will handle the City Watch, while they proceed with the investigation.

The PCs search Tars' apartment, confirming the man was a drunk, probably following the death of his wife at a very young age. Nothing else of interest can be found in his home.

Next, the party visits Tar's client, Lobana Petrievna. Lobana is a noblewoman from Thrane recently arrived in Sharn. She seems willing to answer the party's questions, but it is also obvious she's hiding something. She hires the PCs to retrieve the stolen correspondence, and bring it to her, unopened and unread.

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