Wednesday 13 January 2021

Session 1

PCs (lvl 5): Aegis, Elroy, Mor, Telkhad, Vica, Zullrik

The party in in Skyway, Sharn’s richest district, on their way back from a mission. While crossing a bridge, they notice a figure jumping off the road into the stormy night below. The PCs hurry up to intervene, but the figure is nowhere to be found. Instead, they notice a corpses lying where the mysterious jumper was a few moments before. 

The PCs analyse the corpse, ascertaining he was an Orien courier. His satchel has been stolen, and he has been killed by a single piercing blow to the heart, clearly the work of a professional. While examining the body, the Sharn Watch make their appearance. They rapidly accuse the party of the murder, and are ready to close the case. The PCs profess their innocence, and the sergeant in charge decides to give them 24 hours to find the real assassin, or they will be charged for the murder. 

The party agrees to the deal, and, with the corpse in tow, decide to visit the local Orien station. There they meet with a dragonmarked woman named Shalla. She’s willing to provide information if the party will come to her first when they find the assassin. She does not want to bring further scandal to the House, and prefers the PCs to discuss things with her before disclosing possibly compromising House secrets. The PCs accept, and Shalla reveals the identity of the courier and of the client. 

The PCs decide to follow up first on the victim’s usual watering hole, a depressing tavern going by the name of Rat’s Paw. There they meet with several Boromar’s thug, violent halflings none too happy about the party’s questions. Soon a brawl ensues, with the PCs having the upper hand, but causing severe collateral damage to the tavern.

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