Friday 8 January 2021


Tortle, Swarmkeeper Ranger

Mor originates from the Shadow Marches in Western Khorvaire. There she lived peacefully watching over her fey 'family', and living in peace with the orcs that also call the Marshes  their home.

As I am a Tortle I don't know who my parents were but I'm lucky enough to be growing up with the various Fey creatures that also lived in the Marshes. They took care of me and I protected them... but I failed.

Some dark force took over our swamp; everything changed. The dead rose again and the land itself became hostile. Even the friendly orcs felt the change and started fleeing. The Fey couldn't stay on this plane or they would have been destroyed.

They left me with a few of their tiniest but also very fiery critters. They live in my shell and keep me safe.  Having them reminds me of the fact that they are not to far away and will be able to come back once this problem is fixed. But I fear that if even their magic couldn't stop 'the others' it will be very challenging to find someone/something to help this turn around.

That's when I started traveling towards the Eldeen Reaches, I knew there lived some powerful druid tribe and wanted to ask them for help. Along the way I met this brilliant, but also very weird, young druidess named Vica.

Death (session 49 - TPK): Killed together with all her party members during the final battle against Mordain the Fleshweaver in the tower of Blackroot. 

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