Wednesday 13 January 2021

Callestan, Lower Dura

Lower Dura is a dark and dangerous place that has largely been left to fester and rot while the miserable poor struggle to get by. Street violence by amateurs and criminal gangs are a common site, much more than the Sharn Watch. Callestan is a district of inns and taverns for the poor serving as a center for illegal trade and activity. The people who come to stay in the inns of Callestan sacrifice comfort to avoid the watchful eyes of the law, and many crooked deals are arranged in its dark taverns.

Rat’s Paw. The Rat’s Paw is a ramshackle one room public house in the Callestan District of Lower Dura. It is run by Alfler Kembler, who pays protection to Clan Boromar. Tars Graccen the House Orien courier used to drink there.

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